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Seasonal Property Management Services

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Lessor Consultation: We will meet with you to discuss your goals and become familiar with the property. Based upon your needs we will help you work through any concerns you might have.

Determining Rent Amounts: Like any other commodity on the market, your house or apartment must be at the right price to produce the result you want. If it is overpriced, it may not rent as quickly as you want, if it is under priced it may rent quickly, but not to the type of tenant you desire, etc. You will have the final say in the amount of rent charged, but we can help you arrive at this decision based upon similar homes on the market.

Exclusive Leasing Agreement: You will be asked to sign an exclusive authorization to lease. This allows us to market the property and protects our right to get paid for our services. If at any time, you feel that we are not doing our job and if differences can not be mutually resolved with the leasing agent and the broker, we will release you from that contract.

Advertising: All advertising is done at our expense through our web site and other websites. We also use local print media on a target basis. We have several calls each day from prospective tenants looking for rentals as well as our waiting list.

Lease: We have a standard lease which is appropriate for most situations. There is space where any specific concerns you may have can be addressed and added.

Security Deposit: As standard procedure, we collect $150 – $300 up front for a security deposit. Security deposits are placed in an escrow account. Security deposits are returned to the tenant once the property is inspected and found to be undamaged and in a broom swept condition.

Keys: We provide the new tenant with 2 keys at our expense.

Owners Responsibilities: Requirements for Property Rental

  1. Property must be inspected by a representative of Newfound Rental Properties Rental Department if this is a first time rental property before entering into the Lease and Management Agreement.
  2. You must provide Newfound Rental Properties with a signed Authorization to Lease agreement, which appoints Newfound Rental Properties as the exclusive agent to lease, rent and manage the property. Where the rental is a vacation or seasonal property a rental calendar will be sent to the owner for them to indicate the times that they wish to occupy the property. However, it is clearly understood that it is the owner’s responsibility to notify Newfound Rental Properties of the times they wish to occupy the property and if it has already been rented for that time period the owners will honor that rental commitment.
  3. Copy of Applicable Bylaws, Rules and Regulations for property.
  4. A supply of firewood if there is a fireplace/woodstove must be available to rental guests.
  5. A metal container for ash disposal must be provided and located next to the fireplace. This may prevent a fire in your home!
  6. A complete inventory of your home must be on file in the rental office and a copy in your home.
  7. A working telephone in every property is recommended.
  8. 2 50 gallon coverable garbage cans.
  9. Kitchen package must include a good supply of pots, pans and kitchen utensils in good condition. Dishes, glasses and flatware should be matched sets and in good condition. Plastic dishes and glasses are not acceptable. Incidental items for normal cooking and baking for the maximum number of people to be accommodated in the home must also be supplied. Homes with well-equipped kitchens are the most popular rental units. Please refer to the “sample inventory”.
  10. All beds must be supplied with mattress pads (not slick plastic), bedspreads and pillows.
  11. Properties scheduled for use by rental parties must be vacated by 10am on the arrival day so housekeeping can clean. This includes removal of all personal belongings and trash. Newfound Rental Properties reserves the right to move any rental to another home at your expense or to charge a fee if the 10am departure time is not observed by a homeowner or his guest.
  12. Immediate written notification must be provided to the rental office for any changes in availability. If your unit is rented prior to receiving written notification and we cannot relocate the renter you must honor the Newfound Rental Properties commitment.
  13. All rental properties shall be equipped with the appropriate type and number of smoke detectors as required by state law RSA 153 and local ordinances (check with the local fire chief).
  14. Owner must fill out and sign attached ‘Disclosure of Lead Based Paint and/or Lead Based Paint Hazards’ if property is to be rented greater than 100 contiguous days to any given renter.
  15. Owner hereby authorizes Management to perform any act and do anything necessary or desirable to carry out Management’s responsibilities as set forth herein. It is expressly understood and agreed that all expenses incurred by Management in the performance of its obligations hereunder, for which Management is not compensated as provided for herein, shall be borne by Owner, it being expressly understood, however, that Management shall not be compensated for costs incurred in maintaining its own staff.
  16. Owner agrees to fully cooperate with Management and do all things necessary and proper under this Agreement, in order for Management to carry out its responsibilities as set forth herein, and to pay all of Management’s fees and reimburse expenses promptly upon demand.
  17. Owner agrees to hold Management harmless or blameless for any damage or liability that might be incurred to any renter and/or their guests and also to any property no matter how caused. Owner will furthermore carry any and all insurance needed to protect said owner both as to his property and to all liability. Said liability coverage will be in the minimum amount of three hundred thousand dollars ($300,000). Management will not be liable for any damage or injury occurring on the demised premises or any party thereof and owner will so indemnify Management against any and all claims.
  18. Newfound Rental Properties will arrange for emergency repairs or service as required during a guest stay or as may be necessary to maintain the unit in rentable condition. Owner authorizes the agent to use his best judgment and complete repairs and/or replacement necessary to maintain the unit’s rent ability and habitability. Major items in excess of $250.00 will be reviewed with the owner, except where the owner is unavailable and in the agent’s view the repair is of an emergency nature and must be made in order to protect the owner’s best interest.
  19. Funds: All funds collected by Management for the account of the Owner including security/damage deposit will be deposited in a local federally insured bank in an account controlled and held by Newfound Rental Properties.

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